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Shenzhen Tepu Ke Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Contact: 135 1032 1270 (Miss Jiang)

Mail box:

Address: 201, Building 4, Innovation Port, Hanyu Bay, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

JUKI placement machine 2060

JUKI placement machine 2060

Detailed introduction

a brief introdction:

Introduction to JUKI placement machine 2060: juki2060 is a high-precision general-purpose placement machine that can perform high-density placement.

JUKI placement machine 2060

The following are the parameters of JUKI SMT 2060:

Substrate size:
For M substrate (330×250mm) 
For L substrate (410×360mm)
Lwide (510×360mm) 
For E substrate (510×460mm)*1  

Component size:
Laser identification 0603 chip (imperial 0201) chip ~ 33.5mm square component
image recognition 1.0 × 0.5mm * 2 ~ 74mm square component or 50 × 150mm (0402 (imperial 01005) chip requires option) * 9

juki2060 component placement speed:
chip components 12,500CPH*3
IC components 1,850CPH*3*4 3,400CPH*5

Component placement accuracy:
laser recognition ±0.05mm
image recognition ±0.03mm (±0.04mm when using MNVC (optional))

Component mounting types:
up to 80 types (converted to 8mm tape)*6

Device size*7 (W×D×H*8)

Weight: about 1,410kg

2060 2.jpg


National service hotline

135 1032 1270

Contact: Miss Jiang

Mail box:

Address: 201, Building 4, Innovation Port, Hanyu Bay, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen